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The Cha Cha
Posted by TipToePride
12/21/2012  9:59:00 AM
Regarding the count, why does the count start with a 2 ?
Re: The Cha Cha
Posted by nloftofan1
12/22/2012  12:42:00 PM
Historically (I think) Cha-Cha developed from Mambo, which breaks on the 2 beat. Musically (an instructor pointed out) there is a difference between starting a movement on the downbeat (1) and the upbeat (2). That's the reason why Mambo and Salsa look different even though many of the steps are the same. Breaking on the downbeat makes it look more "laid back." Breaking on the upbeat makes it look "sharper" (more "upbeat").

Technically, the rhythm (slows and quicks) is the same but the timing (which beat of the music a movement starts on) is different. The instructor I mentioned demonstrated this by dancing a simple Waltz box, but stepping forward on the 2 beat instead of the 1 beat. And he was right; it looked different.
Re: The Cha Cha
Posted by hitman1981
12/22/2012  3:14:00 PM
You can start with 1. It's called a prepatory step. Rumba is the same way, where in international style you do a prep step on 4-1, and start on beat 2. American style rumba starts on beat 1. Cha cha is the same in both.
Re: The Cha Cha
Posted by socialdancer
12/23/2012  4:32:00 AM
It's all down to the music. There should be an obvious split beat which is where the chasse fits. Everything then falls into place around that.

Cha Cha music has that split on beat 4, so it goes 1,2,3,4&. This makes the last step of the chasse on beat 1, and we break forward or back on beat 2.

Cha Cha Cha music (note the extra cha) splits beat 3 thus 1,2,3&4 which puts the chasse at the end of the bar and the break now comes on beat 1.

This gives a rather flat interpretation, counting 1,2,cha-cha-cha

If you can find some real music and place more hip emphasis on the last step of the chasse you get a much more exciting dance, counted (1)2,3,cha-cha-ONE.

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